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Setting up Identity Framework for a .Net Web API

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Introduction Here’s a quick guide on setting up Identity Framework with a .Net API. We’ll assume that you’ve already set up your API and are now looking to incorporate Identity Framework to manage user authentication and authorization efficiently. Additionally, we’ll be using Entity Framework for data access. For those that just want to see the […]


Migrating WordPress from Local By Flywheel to Server

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Introduction As I was setting up my developer blog, one issue I encountered was transitioning from my local development environment to a live server. After some research, I’ve documented the steps I took to migrate my local WordPress installation to my server. While I’m using Dreamhost as my hosting provider, these steps should be applicable […]


Creating a Basic Inventory Tracker with ASP.NET MVC

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Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of creating a basic inventory tracker using ASP.NET MVC. This project will serve as a simple yet functional inventory management system, allowing users to add, edit, and delete items from their inventory. For naming purposes, I’ll call this app “YourGroceryStore” but you can name it whatever […]


SQLite with ASP.NET Web API: A Lightweight Database Solution

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Getting Started In the past couple months, I’ve been working on a personal project using ASP.Net Web Api project. Considering the project’s modest scale, I opted to use SQLite over the more common relational databases such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. Project Setup and Tools Here’s my project setup and tools: ASP.Net 7.0 Web API Project […]